Welcome to the Cricket Association for the Blind of Bengal!

Cricket Association for the Blind of Bengal (CABB) is an apex body organization, working for sports and games and arranges vocational trips for the blind men and women. Now a days, advancement of science and technology has ensured that the capacity of blind persons in so far as performing duties like their counterparts has increased manifold. Presently they are capable of doing things unimaginable in the recent past. Scope of education in different fields, activity in professional fields and in the fields of normal livelihood has improved a lot. Most of the common people are divided of the above mentioned knowledge of advancement under the coverage of this tournament. Our aim is to propagate the above mentioned knowledge among the common people as well as in the children.

Sports and games are best way of keeping someone physically and mentally fit. It helps people to mix up with one another and expand the scope for the development of self confidence, spirit of cooperation sportsmanship, competitiveness and professional attitude. These virtues are essentially required for development of a complete matured personality.

We, the CABB team have been working on cricket for blind persons since 2013. Besides that, we regularly organize a lot of other sports related activities and social mobilization and health related activities. We got our registration from societies registration act department of West Bengal Govt. in 2016.

To know more about us, visit the click here. Feel free to read the history of the blind cricket.